Last Updated: Feb 07, 2023     Views: 90

When you find an Electronic Book (eBook), in The W's Classic Catalog, you will click on the hyper-link that will take you to the page where you can view or download the eBook. 

When you get to the next page, you may have these three choices: 

  1. PDF Full Text
  2. EPub
  3. Download this eBook (offline)

PDF Full Text: will open the contents of the eBook in your browser. 

EPub: is an add-on that you can install on your browser

Download this eBook (offline)

  • If this is your first time downloading an eBook, you will be asked to create an account. Follow the link to create your account.

EBSCOhost account needed

  • You will have to have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer in order to open and view the file. CLICK HERE  for the free download. 

For more information on EBSCOhost eBooks and how to use them CLICK HERE, or watch our online tutorial.

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