If you do not see your courses listed in your Canvas account, we have some troubleshooting scenarios that might help
Scenario 1: Registered in Last 24 Hours
The roster in Canvas are updated daily. However, there is a delay for new enrollments to appear. If you have registered for your course today or yesterday, please wait up to 48 hours for your account to be updated.
Scenario 2: Semester Start Date
Most courses are not made available to student until the First Day of the Semester, and courses that are added or dropped are not immediately reflected in Canvas. However, if the semester is in session, and it has been at least 24 hours since you made changes to your course schedule, and the course is still not listed in your account, please reach out the 24/7 Canvas help desk at 1-844-747-4606.
Scenario 3: Removed for Non-Payment
If you have not confirmed your enrollment or made any payments towards your term bill, the University may withhold your enrollment from the course roster. You can verify you are still registered for your courses on Portal.
If you are on a payment plan or are waiting on financial aids/scholarships, please contact Financial Aid at 662-329-7114.
Additional Assistance:
If the reasons listed above do not apply, you may want to reach out to the instructor or contact the Canvas Helpdesk:
Contact the Instructor – If you have the name of the Instructor you can find their contact information in the campus directory.
Canvas Help Desk – The Canvas Helpline can be found by logging into your MUW Canvas Account and clicking "Help"