Last Updated: Feb 16, 2022     Views: 68

While the MUW Library has an extensive collection of ebooks, and a "listen" feature for many full text articles, we do not have an audiobook collection.

Physical Audiobooks

However, many of our partner libraries, especially the Columbus-Lowndes Public Library, have extensive, updated audiobook collections that we can borrow from. Using the online catalog, search for a title, and select "Everything" from the drop down menu next to the search bar. You will either see [audiobook] next to the title, or you can include only audiobooks (or books on CD, etc.) from the material type list.

If you want the audiobook sent to MUW Library for you to pick up, click "Place Hold." We will email you when it arrives. Alternatively, your MUW ID will work at any of these partner libraries, and you can check it out directly.

Virtual audiobooks

If you have a public library card, check to see if they offer virtual audiobooks! You can use your public library log in at your local library to use apps like Hoopla or Libby. (See CLPL's options here!)

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